CfP: Motion, Rhythm, Shifts

An interdisciplinary conference. 5 October 2019. Rhode Island School of Design

In 2019, the New England Renaissance Conference will be hosted for the first time at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD, pronounced “RIZ-dee”), a private, nonprofit college founded in Providence in 1877, which has currently circa 2,400 students from around the world. RISD offers liberal arts studies and 19 studio majors in the fine arts, architecture, design or art education (bachelor’s or master’s degrees).

We invite papers that explore the notion of rhythm in the period of ca. 1400-1700. Scholars from disciplines as varied as history, art history, literature and poetry, religion, theatre, music, environment, studio art and design are welcomed. The idea of motion, rhythm, and shifts is rich in significance for the Early Modern period as it touches upon global concepts, material culture, ritual, performance, and identity.

Paper topics include, but are not limited to:

  • temporal aspects (codification of time, recurrence of a specific phenomenon, the timing of a performance, stages in the production of art, series, metamorphoses)
  • movements and crossings (body movements, dance, inter-arts, transportation / re-location of people, things, images, or relics)
  • mobilities (migrations, trade patterns, traveling artists, scansion of narratives or poetry, translations)
  • ritual and ceremonies (processions, parades, ceremonial entries, relics transfers, etc.)

DATE: Saturday 5th October 2019, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Chace Auditorium, Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence

The conference will be free to all. A dinner and accommodation on 4th October are planned for the speakers.

We invite abstracts no longer than 300 words accompanied by a title and a brief CV to be sent by May 1, 2019, to: For further questions, feel free to contact conference organizer Prof. Pascale Rihouet at that email address.

See also:

Source: H-France