CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS - The Literary Encyclopedia

The Literary Encyclopedia ( is seeking qualified writers to enhance its coverage of seventeenth-century French literature. The list below is not comprehensive or final, and new proposals of writers/ works/context essays that are not currently listed in our database are also welcome. However, we will prioritize articles on writers and works frequently studied in university courses, and those that are highly topical and well-known. 


Volume, French Writing and Culture of the Seventeenth Century

Prose fiction editor, Dr. Kathrina LaPorta (NYU),

Theatre editor, Dr. Polly T. Mangerson (DePaul University),



Bayle, Pierre

Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas

Charpentier, Marc-Antoine

D’Urfé, Honoré

Fénelon, François

Furetière, Antoine

La Bruyère, Jean

Lully, Jean-Baptiste

Mazarin, Jules

Rotrou, Jean

Scarron, Paul

Sorel, Charles

Vivonne, Catherine de (marquise de Rambouillet)



Boileau - L’Art poétique 

Corneille, Pierre - L’Illusion comiqueRodogune

Descartes, René - Discours de la MéthodeLes Passions de l’âme, Méditations philosophiques

La Fontaine - Les Fables 

La Rochefoucauld - Maximes

Madame de Lafayette - La Princesse de ClèvesLa Princesse de Montpensier

Madeleine de Scudéry - Clélie, histoire romaine, Artamène, ou le Grand Cyrus

Molière - L’Avare, L’École des maris

Racine, Jean - Athalie, Esther, La Thébaïde, Les Plaideurs, Mithridate

Rotrou - Le véritable St. Genest

Scarron - Aénide, ou Virgile travesti

Sorel - L’Histoire comique de Francion



Louis XIII creates the Académie française

First edition in France of the Dictionnaire de L'Académie

Orientalism in 17th-century France


Please email Kathrina LaPorta and Polly Mangerson by April 30, 2019 to express interest in publishing an entry on one or more of the attached topics.  Individual deadlines for article submissions will be arranged with the editors.