
Fellowship / Bourse: The Newberry Library

The Newberry  is now accepting fellowship applications for the 2017-18 academic year.

The Newberry Library's long-standing fellowship program provides outstanding scholars with the time, space, and community required to pursue innovative and ground-breaking scholarship. In addition to the Library's collections, fellows are supported by a collegial interdisciplinary community of researchers, curators, and librarians. An array of scholarly and public programs also contributes to an engaging intellectual environment.


IMLR Visiting Fellowships and Scholarships Program. Due date: 1 March 2016

Closing date for applications/references: 1 March 2016
INSTITUTE OF MODERN LANGUAGES RESEARCH University of London School of Advanced Study
Visiting Fellowships and Scholarships Programme 2016-17
The Institute of Modern Languages Research now invites applications for Visiting Fellowships and Visiting Scholarships for the academic year 2016-17. Applicants, with or without funding, may conduct research into any field relevant to the work of the IMLR.

Brown University Postdocs - due date: 10 Feb 2016

Brown University: DOF: University Wide

Brown University Presidential Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowships

Location: Providence, RI

Closes: Feb 10, 2016 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time (GMT-5 hours)

Brown University invites applications for one- to two-year Postdoctoral Fellowships to support the development of early career scholars from diverse backgrounds (with particular attention to historically underrepresented groups in the academy) who show promise as innovative scholars in the following integrative scholarship areas:


Doctoral Study at Royal Holloway, University of London - Studentships

Funding for Doctoral Study at Royal Holloway

AHRC and College Postgraduate Studentships

School of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures at Royal Holloway University of London.

French, German, Hispanic Studies and Italian and

Comparative Literature and Culture



Three-year postdoc research fellowship at Newcastle University, due date 19 July 2015

Newcastle University Humanities Research Institute (NUHRI) Research Fellowship


We are pleased to announce that the application process is now open for the Newcastle University Humanities Research Institute (NUHRI) Research Fellowship:  Please broadcast this news and send the link to any potential humanities Early Career Researchers who are suitable candidates and may wish to apply.


Scholarships at Ohio State University (H France)

The Department of French and Italian at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio offers graduate teaching associateships on a competitive basis to strong applicants to its PhD program in French and Francophone Studies. Applicants admitted to the PhD program teach one introductory French course per semester and receive tuition remission and a monthly stipend of roughly $1700 US for nine months. The assistantship is renewable for up to 4 or 5 years contingent upon success in the program.


Chercheur en formation doctorale en Lettres françaises (M/F) (Université du Luxembourg) (source: Fabula)

L'Université du Luxembourg recrute pour l'Unité de Recherche ECCS (Education, Cognition, Culture, Society)

au sein de la Faculté des Lettres, des Sciences Humaines, des Arts, des Sciences de l'Education

Chercheur en formation doctorale en Lettres françaises


Plein Temps (40h/s), contrat à durée déterminée.

Poste à pourvoir à compter du 1er octobre 2015 (au plus tôt)


Postdoctorat à l’Université d’Angers : projet « EcoLitt » (source: Fabula)

L’université d’Angers recrute un.e postdoctorant.e pour travailler dans le cadre du projet régional EcoLitt (Ecologie et Littérature ; piloté par Anne-Rachel Hermetet, professeur de littérature comparée.

Profil du/de la postdoctorant.e : 


Bourse d'excellence, Université Simon Fraser, date limite: le 1er Juillet 2015 (source: Fabula)

Le Département de français de l’Université Simon Fraser offre une bourse d’excellence pour les étudiant(e)s canadien(ne)s ou étrangers/étrangères qui voudraient poursuivre une maîtrise en linguistique ou en littérature française, québécoise et francophone. Le Master's Entrance Program (MEP) est d’une valeur de 18 000 $.


Contrat doctoral à Aix-Marseille: l'écriture des Mazarinades (source: Fabula) - date limite: 30 JUIN


Emploi Jeune Doctorant Région


Le Centre Interdisciplinaire d’étude des littératures d’Aix Marseille (CIELAM, EA 4235) de l’Université d’Aix-Marseille (AMU), avec le concours de la Région PACA et de la Bibliothèque Méjanes d’Aix-en-Provence, lance un appel à candidature pour un contrat doctoral de 3 ans (2015-2018) sur le sujet suivant :



MA in Early Modern Studies at Queen Mary, University of London (source: Una McIlvenna)

MA in Early Modern Studies, 1300-1700 The MA in English Studies: Early Modern Studies, 1300­1700 at Queen Mary gives you the opportunity to explore the vibrant culture that existed in Europe during this period. Our approach to this material is genuinely interdisciplinary: you will look at the literature, history, religion, and visual culture of the period, and be taught  by experts working at the cutting edge of research in these areas. Specially designed modules examine key debates in the period, and address


Programmes de maîtrise du Département de théâtre de l’Université d’Ottawa: date limite pour les demandes d'admission : le 31 janvier 2015 (source: Louise Frappier)

Le Département de théâtre de l’Université d’Ottawa offre un programme de maîtrise ès arts d’une durée de deux ans menant à l'obtention d'une maîtrise ès arts en théâtre (théorie théâtrale et dramaturgie).

Competitive Graduate Fellowships in French at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (source: Fagyal, Zsuzsanna)

The Department of French and Italian of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications to several merit-based, 4- to 6-year fellowships ranging from $16 000 to $25 000 per academic year starting from August 2015.

Application deadline: February 28, 2015


Graduate Studies in French and Francophone Studies at The Pennsylvania State University

The Department of French and Francophone Studies at The Pennsylvania State University is recruiting outstanding candidates for advanced study leading to the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees. Since our program is selective, we are able to provide all of our full-time students with generous financial support and full tuition grants. We welcome applicants from historically underrepresented minorities, for whom additional internal fellowships are often available. *The deadline for receipt of applications is 15 January 2015.


Bourse de Master à Indiana University

Le Département de français et d'italien à Indiana University-Bloomington (États-Unis) offre plusieurs bourses de recherche et d'enseignement en vue de l'obtention d'un Master ou d'un Doctorat en Littératures française et francophones. Le programme offre une formation complète allant des époques médiévale et classique (y compris le théâtre et l'opéra) à la période moderne et contemporaine (les littératures, le cinéma et les médias francophones).  
