The SE17 and NASSCFL scientific team: list of persons to contact

If you have any announcement that you would like to share, please send your message directly to the following category editors:

1-« In the month of ... in seventeenth-century France »:

Audrey Calefas-Strebelle, Editor in Chief (

Céline Bohnert, Université de Reims, Editor (

2-XVIIth Century News

Jessica KAMIN, Editor in Chief,

Mathilde Bedel, Editor,

Starra Priestaf, Editor   

3-Member News Briefs

Kathrina Ann Laporta Editor in Chief,


Claire Carlin, Editor in Chief,

5-Scholarly Resources

Volker Schröder, Editor (CIR 17 Liaison),

Kelly McConnell, Editor,

6-Teaching Resources

Sophie Capmartin, Editor,

Ana Conboy, 

Jennifer Row, Editor,


Portail du Dix-septieme Editors in Chief

Kathrina LaPorta,

Christophe Schuwey,

Charlotte Trinquet du Lys,


Welcome to the first North American portal for Seventeenth Century French studies!

This portal is made possible thanks to the combined effort of both SE17 and NASSCFL and their members. We would like to take the opportunity here to thank our website manager, Tad Macy, and Katherine Dauge-Roth,our SE17’s Executive Director, for their invaluable help in developing this portal. We wouldn’t be able to do it without the help of many scholars and graduate students dedicating their time to contribute to the website content, and we want to also take the opportunity to thank them heartfully. Together, we are creating our own Mercure and we will stay in touch, above and beyond our annual conferences via our portal.


Charlotte Trinquet du Lys and Jennifer Tamas, Portail du dix-septieme Editors in chief.