
University of New England (Australia)

Bernard Bourque's book Jean Donneau de Visé et la querelle de Sophonisbe. Écirts contre l'abbé d'Aubignac was published in June 2014 by Narr Verlag in the Biblio 17 series [ISBN: 978-3-8233-6894-6].

The book is the first critical edition of the three Défenses by Donneau de Visé (Défense de la Sophonisbe, Défense du Sertorius and Défense d’Œdipe) in which the author defends Pierre Corneille against the four Dissertations of abbé d’Aubignac. The largely unknown Défense d’Œdipe has never before appeared in print since the original publication.


Full name: 
Bernard Bourque