"Early Modern Theatre Practices & the Digital Archive: The Comédie-Française Registers Project", May 19-21, Harvard University & MIT

The conference “Early Modern Theatre Practices & the Digital Archive: The Comédie-Française Registers Project” will take place this coming Thursday through Saturday, May 19-21, on the campuses of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  The conference will feature scholarly presentations based on research in the Comédie-Française Registers Project database (cfregisters.org), which contains detailed box office data from over 34,000 performances in Paris from 1680 to 1793.  The conference will also feature an exhibition of French theater materials from this period at the Houghton Library on the Harvard campus, a performance of plays in French from the eighteenth-century repertory, and a hackathon devoted to developing new tools to interrogate the CFRP database.


An link to an online version of the conference program can be found on this web page: http://cfregisters.org/.  Colleagues who are in Cambridge at the end of the week are warmly invited to join us for the public sections of the program.
