2020 Virtual Meeting of International Salesian Scholars Seminar (October 22, 23, 24)

Via Suzanne Toczyski:

As you may be aware, many professional/scholarly associations, societies, and working groups, are foregoing in person meetings in the coming months, due to health and safety issues precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the accompanying financial crisis, with many colleges/universities having eliminated travel funding.

With these factors in mind, we propose a virtual meeting, via ZOOM, of the 2020 International Salesian Scholars Seminar. Given this format, we would forego this year having the customary discussion of the research papers prepared in advance by Seminar participants, and focus exclusively on the plenary seminar, “Performative Transformation: The Praxis of the Heart. Franciscan Echoes in Francis de Sales,” which will be led by Mary Elizabeth Ingham, C.S.J. (Ph.D., University of Fribourg, Switzerland).  Since the Seminar is already on our calendars, Dr. Ingham’s seminar would be scheduled for three-hour segments on Thursday, October 22, Friday, October 23, and Saturday, October 24, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time (10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time).

As disappointing as it is for us not to gather in person, at the same time this format may make it possible for more scholars to participate. In addition to colleagues in the U.S. and Europe, several of Wendy’s doctoral students in French spirituality from the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX, may also join us.

Specializing in the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition and Duns Scotus, Dr. Ingham is Professor of Philosophical Theology at the Franciscan School of Theology, Oceanside, CA, and Professor Emerita and Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Loyola Marymount University. The central lens for Dr. Ingham’s seminar will be the performative, i.e., the transformative, dimension of spiritual living. This lens will be unpacked through the following themes: (1) moral artistry (Vive Jésus!)—Duns Scotus; (2) particularity and beauty (unity in diversity)—Bonaventure and Scotus; and (3) the two wills: an exchange of hearts (cor ad cor loquitur)—Duns Scotus.

We welcome your comments or observations. Closer to the time for the Seminar, we will need you to register to participate for the duration of each session. (ZOOM is not live streaming, so popping in and out is not an option.)  Likewise, we will also provide instructions about the process for the seminar sessions, as well as the set up that you will need, e.g., camera, audio, etc.

Rev. Joseph F. Chorpenning, O.S.F.S., S.T.L., Ph.D. Editorial Director Saint Joseph's University Press 5600 City Avenue Philadelphia, PA  19131-1395 U.S.A.

E-mail: jchorpen@sju.edu Tel. 610/660-1214 Fax: 610/660-3412 Website: www.sjupress.com

Please contact Rev. Chorpenning if you wish to receive the invitation to register, or if you wish to see Dr. Ingham's CV.
