(2016) Volume XVII

ISSN: 1040–3647

Editor: Faith E. Beasley

Associate Editor: Rose A. Pruiksma

Editorial Assistant: Meadow Hilley

Reviews Editors: Allison Stedman and Claire Goldstein


Table of Contents

Sarah Madry.  The Valet: The Marquis de Louvois’s Invited Guest in the Mystery of the Man in the Iron Mask.............................................................................1

Jennifer R. Perlmutter.  “Meh”: The Unmarked Jews of Nicolas Boindin’s Le Port de mer.... 28

Deborah Steinberger.  Le Mercure Galant and its Student Body:  Donneau de Visé’s Inclusive Pedagogy     41

Vincent Grégoire.  Emploi d’« objets magiques » et prédiction de phénomènes célestes dans les Relations des jésuites: une stratégie originale de conversion en Nouvelle-France au dix-septième siècle........................................ 57

Book Reviews

Call, Michael, The Would-Be Author. Molière and the Comedy of Print. West Lafayette, IN, Purdue University Press, coll. “Purdue Stud­ies in Romance Literatures,” 2015. ISBN 978-61249-385-5. Pp. 292. $45, reviewed by Ralph Albanese…………………………….……75

Meere, Michael, Editor. French Renaissance and Baroque Drama: Text, Performance, Theory. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2015. ISBN 978-1-61149-548-5. Pp. 336. $90, reviewed by Christopher Semk………………………………………………….77

Turcat, Eric. La Rochefoucauld par quatre chemins. Les Maximes et leurs ambivalences. Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 2013. ISBN 978-3-8233-6803-8. Pp. 220, reviewed by Marie-Alix de Richemont.…..81


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